A Cutting-Edge Hair Loss Treatment in London

At 28, Prince William was already balding. Rumor has it that his continuously thinning locks was the reason he was rushing on his marriage with the gorgeous, real-life Cinderella, Kate Middleton.

Royalty or commoner, hair loss doesn’t spare anyone who is susceptible to the condition. In the United Kingdom, it is estimated that nearly half of the male population will suffer from hair loss. Fortunately, a popular hair loss treatment in London can save them from completely going bald.

What Causes Hair Loss in Men?

At the seat of every hair is a hair follicle where the biochemical activity is centralized. Every person is born with at least 100,000 hair follicles in the scalp. While they can regenerate, hair follicles are programmed to decrease over time, however, with age due to factors such as DHT build-up.

The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the common culprit of hair loss in many men of ages between 20 and 70. This aggressive metabolite inhibits hair growth, consequently causing the hair to fall out or cease growing. This phenomenon is called androgenetic alopecia, the fancy term for pattern baldness.

Is There a Treatment?
There are yet ongoing attempts of developing a cure for baldness due to DHT. In so saying, hair loss sufferers may have to rely on current techniques to slow down hair loss or better yet, reverse the process.

With modern technology, this is highly possible. A cutting-edge hair loss treatment in London today is Leimo.

Leimo specializes in at-home hair loss prevention and non-surgical hair restoration. It features a range of topical products that contain powerful natural ingredients and a handheld device that integrates the latest innovation in phototherapy. These products are a synergistic collection to inhibit DHT build-up and stimulate hair growth at a cellular level without any side effects.

Leimo is especially suitable for men with mild to moderate cases of androgenetic alopecia, wherein the hair follicles are not entirely destroyed and thus, repairable.

When Is the Best Time to Begin Treatment?
Hair loss can be a time-sensitive issue. Therefore, the best time to treat hair loss is when the early signs (receding hairline, massive hair fall, and thinning hair) begin emerging.

Almond Nuts for Healthier Hair Regrowth

Almond, which is scientifically known as Prunus dulcis, is one of the most popular and nutritious kind of nut. This plant is among the earliest cultivated foods in history.


The English word almond is derived from the Old French word “almande” or “alemande,” taken from the old Latin term amygdalus, meaning “tonsil plum.”

Though almonds are thought to have originated from the Mediterranean climate region of the Middle East, they had spread extensively and have been widely used for culinary and other purposes in various parts of the world.

Today, almonds are cultivated in Northern Africa and Southern Europe and more recently transported to other parts of the world, especially to California, United States.


Almond nut has gained a reputation as being a super food since it is high in protein as well as vitamins A, B-complex, and E. It also contains good amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, fiber, and zinc. In addition, almonds are a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat.

Almond Nuts for the Hair and Scalp

Vitamin B-complex aids in promoting healthier hair regrowth. It helps in the function of hemoglobin, a hemoprotein which carries oxygen and nutrients to the scalp, feeding the hair follicles, thereby producing thicker, fuller, and healthier hair strands.

Vitamin E, on the other hand, is a good source of antioxidants that prevent free radicals. This vitamin has the ability to moisturize, hydrate, and improve the condition of the scalp and the hair follicles.

In addition, vitamin A regulates the production of retinoic acid, a metabolite of retinol which is essential for the growth of stronger and healthier hair. It is also rich in antioxidants which assist in the healthy development of skin cells and membrane augmentation.

Furthermore, almond oil can be used in aromatherapy, which in turn can also stimulate healthier hair regrowth. Like olive oil, almond oil provides thermal protection and moisture.

Though almond comes in two forms — bitter and sweet — both these types of almonds may be used in nourishing the scalp and hair.

A scalp massage using almond oil mixed with amla extracts can prevent the onset of hair thinning and hair loss problems. Since almond oil softens dead skin on the surface of the scalp as well as cleanses dirt build-up, the hair follicles can then “breathe” properly, enabling them to take in enough nutrients to foster healthy hair regrowth.

Bottom Line

Almond oil for the stimulation of hair growth has been recommended by many experts. This is because this nutritious nut promotes healthier hair and skin.

However, it is important to exercise caution when eating too many almonds since like other nuts they can cause allergic reactions and they are also high in calorie.

Scientists discover new gel may stop hair growth, eliminate need to shave


Philadelphia, Penn. - Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania have discovered a drug that when combined with a gel, helps stop unwanted hair growth, thus eliminating the need to shave.
It was found that cidofovir, commonly used to treat eye infections, significantly reduced hair growth during a study involving sixteen men with beards when combined with a gel and applied on the skin in a three percent dose.

“Eflornithine, the only prescription topical agent approved in the United States for female facial hirsutism [excessive hair growth], has only a 32 percent success rate... therefore, additional topical treatments effective in preventing hair growth are needed,” according to scientist Joy Wan and her team, reports the Daily Mail.

Therefore, the dose level needs to be adjusted, however, when given in too strong of doses, subjects experienced nausea, headache, fever and a drop in white blood cells. 

Further trials regarding the drug will continue before it is perfected, as researchers found the gel to be “...safe and well tolerated. But we did not observe total alopecia hair loss as was previously reported and the treatment dose and duration may have been insufficient to trigger this effect.”

What type of hair loss do you have?

The average scalp contains about 100,000 to 150,000 hair. The normal hair life cycle lasts for 2 to 3 years. At any given point of time, about 90% of the hair on your scalp is growing and about 10% of the hair is in a resting phase. After 2-3 months, the resting hair is shed and new hair starts to grow in its place. It is normal to shed some hair every day. You lose roughly 100 hair strands every day. But, some people may experience more than normal hair loss. Partial or complete loss of hair is called alopecia.

If your hair loss is distinctly noticeable. you need to find out what kind of hair loss you are suffering from. The various different kinds of hair losses are:

Natural hair loss

The rate of hair growth slows as you age. Both men and women tend to lose hair thickness and amount as they age. If you notice gradual thinning of hair with age, then you have Involutional alopecia. More and more of your hair follicles go into a telogen (resting) phase. The remaining hair becomes shorter and fewer in number.

Temporary hair Loss

You may experience temporary hair loss over the scalp weeks to months after a stress episode like child birth, fever, severe illness, stress and sudden weight loss. The hair shedding will decrease after few months. Such type of hair loss is called Telogen effluvium. This happens due to changes in the growth cycle of hair. A large numbers of hairs are in the resting phase (telogen) at the same time. After 2-3 months, there is massive shedding and subsequent thinning.

 Male or female pattern baldness

If you are a male with a receding hairline and gradual disappearance of hair from the crown, you may be suffering from Androgenic alopecia referred to as male pattern baldness. In this condition, you may experience hair loss as early as in your teens or early 20s. Men with androgenic alopecia may notice hair loss at the top of the scalp and a receding hairline particularly along the temples. The typical pattern begins at the hairline which then gradually moves backward and forms an ‘M’ shape. Finally the hair becomes finer, shorter, and thinner, and creates a U-shaped pattern of hair around the sides of the head. Miniaturization is the progressive decrease of the hair shaft’s diameter and length in response to hormones causing thinning of hair. It is characteristic of androgenic alopecia. Hair follicles that are producing healthy hair begin to produce thinner (decreased in diameter), shorter, more brittle hair with weaker shafts. It is a genetically predisposed condition that can affect both men and women. If you are a woman with general hair thinning over the entire scalp and most extensive hair loss at the crown with front hairline intact, you may be suffering from androgenic alopecia referred to as female pattern baldness. The central hair part may become wider with time. As hair thinning occurs, the scalp becomes progressively more visible. The hair loss rarely progresses to total or near total baldness. You may notice hair thinning in your 20s but you are not very likely to experience noticeable thinning until your 40s or later because the pace of hair loss tends to be gradual.

Patchy hair loss

If you are a child or young adult with one to two totally smooth, round patches of hair loss, mostly on the scalp, you may be sufferinf from Alopecia areata. The hair loss may also be seen in the eyebrows, and arms, legs or beard. It is often sudden in onset. The hair usually grows back in 6 months to 1 year in one area but will fall out in another area. In some people the hair may become thinner without any patches of baldness. In some, it may grow and break off, leaving short stubs which resemble exclamation point. Alopecia areata is generally considered an autoimmune condition, in which the body attacks its own hair follicles. In alopecia totalis, an extensive form, the entire scalp goes bald. If you have complete loss of scalp hair and body hair, you have alopecia universalis. It is the most severe form of alopecia areata and can occur at any age. For severe forms, treatment includes injecting small amounts of steroids like triamcinolone into affected patches to stimulate hair growth. Other treatments such as oral steroids, immunosuppressives, Contact immunotherapy or Psoralen with Ultraviolet A Light (PUVA) therapy are available.

Tinea capitis or ringworm of the scalp

It’s fungal infection of the scalp which usually affects school-age children and goes away at puberty. It’s rare in healthy adults. It involves only parts or whole of the scalp. Hair breaks off at areas that are infected causing bald scalp with small black dots. The skin has inflamed (red swollen) round, scaly areas and pus-filled sores called kerions. You may have a low-grade fever or swollen lymph nodes in the neck. The scalp is itchy. It is contagious from sharing combs and hats.Once the infection is cured, the hair grows back. Griseofulvin, terbinafine or itraconazole are used for 4 – 8 weeks to treat ringworm in the scalp

Traction alopecia

This is a type of hair loss caused by force applied to the hair because of particular hairstyles. You may notice small, localized hair loss in certain areas caused by persistent pulling or force on hair roots. Tight braids and ponytails can pull hard enough on hair to make them fall out.

Hair pulling disorder

Some people have the habit of voluntarily twisting or pulling their own hair often the scalp and eyelashes. This is referred to as Trichotillomania. It is a psychological disorder seen most frequently in children. Hair patches in trichotillomania show broken-off hair.

Controlling hairfall is a few meals away

Tired of sweeping countless strands of hair on the floor? Or are you losing sleep over a receding hairline? Then it’s probably time to get up and take control of your hairfall. A normal individual loses about 70-100 strands of hair daily which are replaced by new strands. But in case of severe
hairfall, the quantity of hair lost each day increases with or without a reduced rate of newer hair growth.

Hair loss is a concern for both men and women, but more visible in men. About 50 per cent men complain of thinning of hair along with a receding hairline by the age of 45 or more.  In case of women, the complaints of thinning of hair or severe hairfall start around the age of 50 or post-menopause.

Why do we lose hair?
The most common reason for hair loss is the male hormone testosterone, which is also found in women. Increased consumption of medication could also cause hairfall. Hormonal changes in women during periods of pregnancy, lactation, menopause or thyroid disease are also responsible for increased hair loss. Inadequate intake of protein, low levels of iron and zinc or a deficiency of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) results in increased hairloss.

Dealing with hair loss
It is important to provide every follicle the nutrition it needs. Substantial intake of quality protein via non-vegetarian or vegetarian sources is a must. You can opt for soyabean and soy products, pulses, lentils, milk, curd and nuts. Iron can also be obtained from other sources like green leafy vegetables, gardencress seeds, dates, raisins, eggs etc.

Nuts and seeds are good sources of magnesium and zinc, that promote hair nourishment. Fish, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, walnuts, mustard seeds and soyabean are also good sources of essential fatty acids that promote hair nourishment.

The health of your hair depends on the circulation to the scalp and the nutrients in your blood. Regular exercise will stimulate circulation. Coriander juice with mint and curry leaf juice helps provide beneficial nutrients.

Foods high in sugar content, caffeine, alcohol can increase hairfall due to the production of cortisols and stress hormones. Research also proves that smoking leads to faster graying of hair. Topical application of almond oil, castor oil or olive oil on the scalp has shown to be beneficial. Herbs like tulsi, brahmi, amla, rosemary, sage and triphala improve the health of the scalp and reduce hairloss.

One should also take care while washing hair. Don’t over dry your hair as it becomes brittle. Use mild shampoos and conditioners. Using hot water for washing, irons and hot blowdryers can also damage hair. Be gentle while brushing and combing your hair.

Hairfall is a manifestation of the body’s health status. Prolonged hairfall should not be ignored, diet should be modified and medical help should be sought before the problem gets out of hand.

Hair fall treatment that costs nothing

Hair fall is a common problem for men and women these days. Long term hair fall leads to permanent hair loss, and could even make people go bald, especially for men. There are various factors that contribute to hair fall. Hair fall is high among the people who don’t show much interest in hair care, or who live in dusty, smoky and pollution affected towns and cities.

Hair fall starts with little amount of hair falling, and if it’s left untreated for longer periods, it could lead to complete hair loss, where no hair treatment can restore the natural hair back.

Hair care experts feel that the best hair fall treatment is all about taking balanced diet, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, and leading a stress free life.

“I believe stress is the main reason of hair fall these days. I don’t see any reason other than stress that’s causing hair fall in many of my patients,” said Arvind, a renowned Hyderabad based hair care specialist.

He said, “Good diet prevent your hair from falling. The diet that’s enriched with vitamin C, E, and B gives you healthy hair. It has to be a well balanced diet that has the perfect combination of proteins, vitamins and minerals.”

Keeping hair clean is another important thing to do to prevent hair loss. Dandruff is another reason for hair fall in many people. Some dandruff specific shampoos help keep dandruff under control. However, if the dandruff is uncontrollable by normal measures, you should meet a professional hair care specialist to get a dandruff treatment.

Leading stress free life automatically minimizes hair fall. Yoga, exercises or other physical activities such as games could easily bring hair loss under control.

Leimo Starter Kit Special Deal: A Sure-Fire Way to Be Hair Loss–Free

The Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit (Leimo PHLSK) is a well-known hair care product in Australia. This hair care system provides a world-class method of hair loss prevention through an organic-based treatment approach and hair regrowth stimulation through non-invasive laser hair therapy.

How does the Leimo hair care system work?
The Leimo hair care system in the form of the Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit is a suite of hair loss products that prevents the progression and recurrence of hair loss by slowing down the build-up of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. DHT, which attaches itself to the hair follicles, can hamper the growth of the hair, making it the main cause of 95% of hair loss in both men and women.
The Leimo PHLSK is made up of one (1) Leimo Hair Treatment Pack namely: the Leimo Bio Cleansing Shampoo, Leimo Thickening Conditioner, Leimo Scalp and Body Scrub, Leimo Scalp Therapy Day Treatment and the Leimo Scalp Serum Night Treatment; and one (1) Leimo Personal Hair Laser, a laser comb device.

This suite of hair care products helps produce thicker, fuller and healthier-looking hair in three (3) easy ways.

Cleanse and Condition the Scalp
The Leimo Bio Cleansing Shampoo and Leimo Thickening Conditioner help cleanse, nourish and condition the scalp and the hair follicles. On the other hand, the Leimo Scalp & Body Scrub helps exfoliate and deep cleanse the scalp to create an excellent environment for optimum hair regrowth. 

Nourish and Feed the Hair Follicles
The Leimo Scalp Therapy Day Treatment and the Leimo Scalp Serum Night Treatment work as vasodilators that inhibit the formation of DHT in the scalp, thereby preventing the onslaught of hair loss.

Stimulate Hair Regrowth with Laser Therapy
The Leimo Personal Hair Laser delivers low level laser therapy (LLLT) and light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) to stimulate the hair follicles and promote hair regrowth. It is also included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods as a Class IIa medical device for hair loss treatment and hair growth stimulation.

If you want to treat hair loss in the convenience and comfort of your home, then grab your very own Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit now! All you need to do is visit Leimo International’s website www.leimo.com.au or call their customer service at this number 1800-280-250.

Leimo is currently offering a SPECIAL DEAL for the Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit. For more information on this exciting promotional package, contact Leimo International now.