End Thinning Hair with a Natural Product

Do you know that there are over 50 million men and 30 million women suffering from thinning hair and hair loss in the United States alone? Yes, it is true and the number is sadly increasing year after year. Medical specialists have proved that the main cause of this unfortunate phenomenon is genetics or heredity.

There are several forms of hair loss like the alopecia areata which means “hair loss in certain areas”, telogen effluvium that is mainly caused by stress but the most prevalent form of hair loss that can be noticed in both men and women is androgenic alopecia or male and female pattern baldness. As I have mentioned, androgenic alopecia has something to do with genetics and that it can be truly inherited from both parents. The onset of this type of hair loss is usually characterized by thinning hair that will soon progress into bald spots. Thinning of the hair generally begins at the top area of the scalp, predominantly at the temples and crown area.

Read more on End Thinning Hair with a Natural Product

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